Dump the Kool-Aid

We’ve all had that friend that gets wasted and talks like an idiot; enduring someone’s incoherent rambling about the plight of baby seals and how knees are a terrible design – especially for flamingos – and how the world would somehow be better synced if they were king.

We indulge – no, tolerate – the annoyance out of friendship.  ‘Cause that’s what friends do.  We listen, laugh or politely agree just to keep them from drifting into the rat-trap realm of politics and religion while figuring out a way to discretely snag their car keys and stuff them into an Uber.

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I’m Sick of the Middle East

I’m sick of the Middle East.  I’m sick of hearing about it.  I’m sick of our military being involved in their biblical mayhem.  I’m sick of the threat it presents to the West. And I’m sick of their imperialistic and jingoistic approach to world politics in the name of religion.  If I lived two thousand years ago, I would be sick of the Middle East.

The Middle East is a biblical problem.  Their issues will never be resolved.  From my moderately informed perspective, it would appear that they fight more for entertainment than political gain, invoking the name of their God as THE source of righteousness.  And not to say they’re wrong, but it’s simply bullshit to me and I don’t care.  I don’t care about Shiites and Sunnis or whose great great great grand uncle (a true descendant of the one true God) was wronged twelve generations ago.  No shit.  I don’t care.  What I care about is the impact their misguided geographical fervor has on the United States and our allies.

It seems when the Middle Eastern players lose track of or get bored with what they’re fighting about, they turn to their historical adversary; the great Satan, Israel.  (Not the other second greatest Satan, the United States.  We’re relegated to Miss Congeniality status behind Israel because they’ve been around longer to hate.)

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