The Blame Tree


Is anyone else moderately annoyed by the Liberty Insurance commercials. I’m not talking about their catchy little jingle, I mean their message. It took a while (being background noise in my office) for the series of ads to worm into my brain.

They’re all the same; a semi-irritated woman ranting about an accident she caused and the insurance industry’s ludicrous response of raising her rates.

The commercials start with a brief outdoor confession of an at-fault fender bender or encounter with a rogue tree and then a dismissive narcissistic response.

“…. Tap one little bumper and the insurance company wants to raise my rates. HEY INSURANCE COMPANY, NEWS FLASH…NOBODY’S PERFECT!”

Continue reading “The Blame Tree”

What’s your diagnosis?


Thank you for your professional opinion… I mean diagnosis. Now I can start fires, say anything I want, run over baby ducks at the park, run naked through the YMCA, and engage in any kind of abhorrent antisocial behavior. And now that I’m “mentally ill” I can expect all of the protection and empathy that society offers the infirm. (Because I’m craaaaaaaazzzy. Wink wink.)

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