There are some sights I just can’t get outta my head. Sure, I can try to wash my eyes out with pretty images; pictures of a beautiful woman… nature… or whatever visual cleanse is appropriate for the erasure. But there are some things that are the optical equivalent of eating sardines, that even pizza and hot wings can only mask for a few seconds. There are life-images that even a glimpse etches into that special place in my brain reserved for memories of my senior prom or birth of my kids.
And I’m feelin’ kinda robbed that my happy-memory database is being slowly formatted by out of control image-bombing. Here’s the thing, I’m incapable of looking away. I’m not sure if my mind isn’t processing images quickly enough (possibly because there’s no logical reference in my database) forcing me to stay fixed on target too long or if I’m just simply drawn to craziness.