We’re making a mistake. A massive mistake. The intentional blunder is universal acceptance of anything and everything regardless of its impact on greater society, including behavior that is the social equivalent of an invasive species infecting a balanced ecosystem. And it’s spreading because we simply refuse to say “NO!” to segments of our population that squeak… loudly. The majority’s collective voice is deafening but we refuse to raise it in chorus and instead bitch-whisper disagreement.
Our culture is now dominated by squeakers that make up small – but growing – portions of our population, yet are represented by mainstream media and the new political machine as being the overwhelming majority. It’s a lie but few of us stand up and scream, “BULLSHIT!” because we’ve been shushed and guilt-shamed for being rigidly white, Christian right, or jingoistic. Question anything that conflicts with intellectual honesty or your moral compass and you’ll be dismissed as a racist hater or fascist regardless of your color or politics.
The social fabric of American cities is in tatters because we cower. It’s like a screaming little chimpanzee beating an 800 pound gorilla with a stick. And the gorilla just sits silently motionless in the middle of its cage, covering its head instead of grabbing the asshole chimp by the neck and smashing its useless self on the cage floor – repeatedly – and then kicking the bloody remains through the bars at the keepers that have been idly watching.
The squeakers and their handlers have figured out the formula. It’s not genius, it’s merely exploiting the rule-following values that have dominated our culture since its inception, allowing us to lead productive lives. America has always thrived under the basic concept of personal individuality but national unity. You know, the whole “united we stand, divided we fall” thing. It’s not just words, but like all concepts, needs to be reinforced with truth and consequences. America has always thrived having a common goal… or common enemy. American unity has become the common enemy to forward a Marxist agenda.
Division has degraded the great melting pot into a disorganized mess of rusted pots and pans, having less value and functionality than the massive shiny stainless stock pot that we once were. Unnecessary group identifiers are now used to express individuality. We’re all American. There’s no need to separate into subgroups to validate identity or worse, promote victimization for no other reason than political whining rights. Sadly, those very subgroups are extinguishing individuality, freedom, and greatness with lemming-like mob-thought.
The real victim is US; the rule-following taxpayers that remain voiceless while funding insanity. It’s ridiculous that the majority is being guilt-shamed into silence while rage is fomented. And it’s being propagated because we don’t collectively say “no” and push back, smothering this disease.
A dog that repeatedly bites the hand that feeds it will eventually starve. It’s past time that we recognize that we are not being represented and are merely stationary targets for a dishonest media and milquetoast political representation. The last election has proved that our vote means nothing; the beginning of cancel culture.
It’s time to starve the dog.
But how? How can we stop the unravelling now that threads are being pulled from all sides of the flag?
In the simplest of terms, we must refuse to shut up and accept the unacceptable and instead collectively raise our voices against policy and behavior that is contrary to American unity. Stop supporting all politicians and industries that have acquiesced to social and political pressure. Industry has gotten away with this tactic for too long and our woke politicians are following in lockstep. They assume we are too busy, distracted, and shamed and will continue to support them out of habit or for the sake of convenience.
Nike set the standard for this marketing approach and got away with it, making bank with their lie of “wokeness.” If corporate hypocrites like Nike are truly woke (beyond the security of American protections) they wouldn’t utilize Chinese and third-world manufacturing facilities that force slave and child labor to produce goods for a targeted demographic that would certainly protest the swoosh out of existence if they were intellectually honest.
Greed is all they understand. It’ll be inconvenient but short-term perseverance will show the power of a unified majority. F’ the entitled elitists in Hollywood and professional sports that have been so coddled and removed from reality that they no longer understand that without us there is no them. F’ Delta, Coke, Gillette, and the rest of corporate America that has become detached from traditional American values merely for short-term gain, while promoting disdain for the very country and population that afford them to exist.
Starve them. We are losing our opportunity to push back.
Those who prefer death by one thousand cuts are not strong enough to wield a sword.
This is an important message! I hope enough people are listening.
You verbalize what the vast majority are thinking. There is no sense or reason to any of the diabolical agenda imposed on our culture and institutions “seemingly” overnight. The boiling of the frog has been slow, patient and deliberate. While we were sleeping takes on a whole new meaning. The cognitive dissonance that we’re all experiencing is a purposeful psychological consequence of literally turning EVERYTHING upside down, and making us feel powerless to stop it. Your brain screams NO, surely this nonsense will be morally, ethically, legally stopped in its anti constitutional tracks! But no again…it proceeds unabated, impervious to the obvious and continues to spread and infect everything like a virus with no antidote. The cavalry (of our leadership and institutions) ain’t coming. They’ve all been captured and compromised. But they’re the few and we, the many.
The antidote is exactly what Vince says it is. Just like the secret in the Wizard of Oz, Dorothy’s red shoes always held the power to rescue her.
Like Dorothy, we need to use the power we have always had individually (and collectively) to thwart the emperor with no clothes.
Fairy tales are very instructive…
Love this…
Unfortunately we are the proverbial frogs in the boiling pot. The water is boiling and too many frogs are already dead, they just don’t know it yet. The people who support the squeakers have no clue about the end game of those pushing these abominations of ideas. This is about more than just milquetoast representation, it’s a corrupt system that has been in place way too long. There is no Republican or Democrat in d.c. anymore; just one big cabal of evil people serving themselves on the tax payer dime and time with just a handful of representatives trying to fight back against a huge swamp. The media is run by those in charge of the cabal and will say whatever they’re told to say. Long gone are the days of getting the truth and unbiased information from main stream media. Of course people like me will be shamed and mocked as “tin foil hat conspiracy theorists”, but the truth is getting out there more and more. A totalitarian regime is right around the next corner waiting to criminalize and imprison any dissenters. Don’t believe me? Ask the protesters from January 6th how they feel about due process compared to any BLM or Antifa rioter from last year and tell me how this is not tyranny. Anyone who has even remotely studied history can see the inevitable unfolding right before or eyes and the corrupt players will stop at nothing to keep from being exposed! We need to unite and shout a resounding “ENOUGH” before or country is forever lost along with our rights and freedom.