This your America. This is the America you’re working for, paying taxes, voting, going to school and work and following the rules of society that used to be reinforced by active parenting and a foundation in faith in God and our elected leadership. What happened? How did we get from there to here so quickly?
There appears to be a general unravelling; a collective deafblindness caused by a politically motivated media, made worse by beer-goggle vision for a new utopia. It’s unintentional ignorance driven by dependency, redefined “hope” and politically motivated misinformation.
In hindsight, America’s metamorphosis from grandeur to ghetto didn’t suddenly sneak up, jump on our backs and start gnawing on our necks. It’s generational rust – unchecked decay – continually painted over with a fresh coat of gloss to mask deterioration.
Politicians’ answer is always fresh paint. Green paint. And America has been conditioned to believe that a new coat of paint will magically fix underlying rust simply by making the surface shiny. But rust, being what it is, always wins. That is unless the decaying foundation is ground bare and protected. But there will come a time at which there will be no foundation left to salvage.
There’s plenty of blame to go around. America has endured decades of self-serving politicians on both sides of the aisle that have been the mouthpiece for special interest rather than their voting constituency. As paying customers we’ve been trained to accept the ridiculous notion that the lesser of two evils is our best choice. Clearly that approach creates nothing better than the suit-clad tribe of two-faced puppets like Pelosi, McConnell, Schumer, and Romney that point fingers and talk tough but shine each other’s shoes with our dollar bills.
Compounding political corruption, we now have what can only be described as an editorial media that is undeniably controlled and manipulated, often using the same scripted language to disseminate “news.” They report with feigned disgust and anger to cajole viewers with false-hearted sincerity. And because we want to believe that our leaders are looking out for US, we’re coaxed into making sense of talking heads that have no more insight than you and me. They’re simply parroting a script.
News reporting has fallen victim to the McDonald’s effect. It doesn’t matter what store (channel) you choose, the Big Mac’s are the same, but tailored by anchor to feed a targeted demographic. It’s repetitive brain-pounding, forging scraps of junk into opinion art. As if repeating anything often enough – with venom – will make it believable…and acceptable.
And so the rolling snowball grows.
Wokeness, with prayers of shame, is the new social religion, created by a manipulative group of controllers to rationalize the suppression of minorities held in political servitude. But who are and have been overlords of the minority population, pinning generations to the ground by the throat in defiance of the Constitution and American buoyancy: The slave masters that have destroyed family, religion, culture, law, education, and self-worth?
They are the finger-pointing lords on the left and the right. The unapologetic chest-pounders and pocket-liners, hired by Trusters who have been deceived into a mindset of powerless suppression. And with every failed empty promise, hopelessness and rage builds.
But why? What could possibly be the endgame of such a control strategy? It couldn’t possibly be only for money and power. After all, what good is money if there is no US left. Why the hell would you replace the carpeting in your home just before you torch it?
It’s easy to understand how normal logical people race down dark rabbit holes to the bleak underworld of black helicopter factories in an effort to make sense of the nonsensical.
We’re watching hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants from across the globe pour unimpeded through the floodgate of our southern border under the guise of humanitarianism, racing to the “shining city on the hill.” Laws… national security… health and safety be damned!
And if you’re brave enough to question policies that are obviously contrary to American interests, you’ll be shamed and scolded into silence for being “too white” (even if you’re brown). Critical race theory, artificially propped up by the mantra of guilt and shame, is the rusted (but shiny) green bus racing through Neo-America.
It’s for the children you selfish entitled white lump of human waste! You should be ashamed of your unwoke self! You only care about YOUR America. This is about the world… not just you!
Ok, but we’re broke. Morally. Financially. Ethically. We’re at the point where we can no longer take care of our own and we “deal with it” by simply printing more Monopoly money. America is like an impoverished family that survives on Saltines and Spam but adopts fourteen cats from the animal shelter in the name of kindness.
Weakness is not kindness, fairness, or morality and simply mocks the very system (and hosts) that allow it to be. Weakness is only the loss of strength… and freedom.
Do you think our adversaries and trading partners want a weak America with floundering leadership? From a position of historical strength, our motivations have been clear. The world – our friends and enemies – knew what to expect. Always.
Weak adversaries are extremely dangerous, unpredictable, and typically desperate. Think about our scariest enemies. Russia. China. They are the 800 pound gorillas staring at us from across the yard. We understand 800 pound gorillas and they understand us. We yell at them. They scream back. We pound our chests and throw bananas at them. They pound their chests and throw poop back, occasionally running at the fence that separates us. And then we go back to staring at each other… and throw more bananas and poop.
But think about the “weak” ones… like North Korea… that are like that “misunderstood” goth kid in school with black hair and fingernails that everyone thinks is weird but harmless… until he brings a gun and 300 rounds of ammunition to validate his self-worth and desperation.
America has spoken. This is what we have wanted and deserve. And on the heels of a massive social push to defund the thin blue line, there is a fervent effort to eliminate gun ownership… You know, just to make sure we’re fully protected from ourselves.
If we were mad scientists, we couldn’t come up with a better bucket of ingredients for social and economic disaster.
So true, Vince. God help us all.
This was excellently written. So true and I think no recovery at least not back to what we once knew.
Excellent points. I don’t see things changing back to normalcy. Once you give too much leeway, you can’t take it back.
It’s the deliberate destruction of America. Deliberate and long planned. You captured well the death March we’ve been on for decades. Evil is patient and cunning, wrapping “gifts” of tolerance and kindness in increasingly intrusive laws and regulations which have debased our freedom, morality and culture. The new “white supremacy” narrative is merely a devilishly ingenious way to silence the majority at every turn. And just to make sure no one dares challenge their lies and deception with truth, censorship is the figurative duck tape over our mouths.
The frog has been boiled.
Thank you for verbalizing what we’ve been thinking for many years! Enjoyed the read.
The rust will be fixed by focusing on fundamentals, like infrastructure. The previous president talked on multiple occasions about investing one trillion dollars in infrastructure, but he never actually did anything. The current president is a man of action and has made similar aspirations towards fixing our infrastructure. I believe he will be able to get the process started. He is working hard for all Americans.
Wow! Infrastructure? No way!!!! What an amazing guy!!!! How new and creative!!!! Every president says he’s going to fix infrastructure. Everyone I can remember. The last one said rural internet infrastructure and he got it done as witnessed by many including my house. Obama said he was fixing infrastructure. Roads and bridges to be exact. So, enjoy the rose colored glasses. Nothing new though. Ho hum.
With every concession and allowance of breaking the norms and values that made this nation great; we have conceded our country to those who wish to dismantle it and subjugate us. We have been browbeaten, shamed and cajoled into giving up our principles and beliefs all in the name of tolerance. I am no longer willing to tolerate my rights bring taken from me or being shamed into submission by those who demand tolerance while offering none! As far as anyone thinking the current resident of the White house being a man of action; I can only assume you are ignorant, brainwashed or both. Joe Biden has a well documented history of corruption, graft and racist tendencies which takes very little honest research to uncover. He has had 47 years in government with a record of doing nothing but helping himself and those in his circle,off the backs of the American citizens. He has done nothing of substance to better the lives of the citizens of this country. He is currently appointing individuals to his administration that are clearly not interested in benefiting “we the people”. This country is at the edge of the abyss, we are circling the drain and I’m afraid there is no salvation for this once great country