Second Shot

Where are our leaders?  There are A LOT of people in positions of authority at the Federal, State, and local level that are yapping, flailing, kowtowing, surrendering, apologizing, and of course hiding but where is the true leadership that we expect – and maybe take for granted – as an American birthright (or as voting taxpaying customers)?

It’s been clear for the past few decades that the US citizenry is pretty much adrift, caught between two political parties that have become so divided and divisive that simple common sense decision making appears more like warring adversaries meeting at the truce table, where nothing uttered is acceptable to either side unless it includes complete surrender and an admission of wrong-doing.  Bipartisanship is just a friendly buzzword tossed to an angry constituency to perpetuate the facade of civility.  In fact, American politics is nothing more than a political football game.  Anything the rival side proposes – regardless of merit – is countered, discounted, or dismissed.  The result… abject failure and frustration.

But now we’re at a crossroads.  America has been at this intersection several times before and has miraculously found the right path, in spite of the fact that there is no yellow brick road with a happy mindless scarecrow pointing us in the right direction.  Leadership is now defined by  finger-pointers and chest-pokers who apparently ignore history, turning a blind eye to the past.  Even when implicated in wrongdoing that would get a rule-follower jailed (or worse), the best they can come up with as a defense is falling back to that annoying kid we all knew in grade school that pointed an angry finger and whined, “NO, YOU!”

It doesn’t work anymore.  We’re fed up.  I think there is a general misconception with politicians, the media, and fringe elements that find it acceptable – even appropriate – to violate conventions of society with impunity.  

The behavior has been indulged, even applauded, regardless of how self-serving, destructive and abhorrent.  And while history is rewritten and erased… or smashed… or toppled… and cities and communities are violated, rule-followers watch in shocked disgust – abandoned – left to their own devices to quench the inferno. 

The promise has been broken.  

But leaders have broken more than their promise, they’ve broken a contract.  The government’s chief responsibility is to protect its citizenry from foreign and domestic threats.  In turn they thrive under the protections of their political annuity and taxation.

Leaders have abandoned the rule-followers. Those sworn to protect and serve have been told to stand down – watch – as communities are decimated.  Lawlessness and destruction is now an acceptable societal pressure valve, with the misguided rationale being, protests are like shooting stars that quickly flash and burn out.  It’s simply head-in-the-sand stupidity that discounts the darker side of human nature, gravity, and the laws of physics… specifically those pertaining to wildfires: they spread and indiscriminately consume everything if not quenched immediately.

But that simile could be countered by the web-weavers that would argue that wildfires take care of dead useless overgrowth and underbrush that has been ignored and left untended.

OK, but at what expense and to whom?  American history?  National security?  Liberty? Life savings and investments in one’s community?  The loss of “the American way?”

I believe there is the dire misconception with our leaders that the silent majority will stand quietly idle with clenched teeth while a fraction of our population has a destructive tantrum.  It’s a dangerously false assumption that will end badly.  Americans are – and have always been – a slow burn.  History has shown that when pushed to the point of no escape Americans will fight with devastating hate, unable to simply “turn off” retribution.  This is nothing new.  American history has documented remarkable pacifism until life and liberty are threatened.  

But where and when does it end?  Democrats and Republicans are in a self-serving stalemate while Rome burns.  Both parties clearly understand that law and order needs to be restored through intervention by true leadership.  

So why hasn’t it happened… yet?

Because everyone knows America has become a tinderbox that’s been shoved too close to a space heater through decades of failed leadership.  Both parties are to blame.  Neither wants to take the forceful steps necessary to quell rebellion, especially with an election looming.

Neither party wants to be culpable for the second shot heard round the world.

I fear it’s coming.

4 thoughts on “Second Shot”

  1. Our “Republic” is a hologram, propped up by the fictitious notion that voting matters. Our ‘elected’ officials, and those they have the power to appoint, direct their subjects according to the dictates of the elite establishment whose end game for a new global world order of tyranny and control couldn’t be clearer now.

    Media, education, entertainment and government have been slowly and deliberately infiltrated over decades culminating in what we see happening now all over the world. Those who paused to consider how countries across the entire world could have been in complete lockstep with the COVID lockdown, simultaneously implementing draconian measures to quarantine most of the world’s population, destroy economies, and using fear to convince everyone that this was for our own safety.

    Then as their deadly COVID narrative began to unravel, civil unrest suddenly, and again so perfectly coordinated, began across the US and the entire globe because some psychopathic cop murdered George Floyd. Systemic racism became the new epidemic that must be defeated.

    But this time, there were no measures to protect and defend the safety of law abiding tax paying citizens who were so in need of protection from a virus. No, now these same people watched their businesses looted and burned, many suffering viscious physical assaults by the “peaceful” protestors so dubbed by the mainstream media who tried in vain at the very beginning of the anarchy to blame “far right white supremecists.

    This is about systemic racism, or is it? When the confederate statues were toppled by the angry mob, this was deemed “justified” by the media and the left and our government implicitly applauded by not interfering. Then came Christopher Columbus, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Teddy Roosevelt and….Abraham Lincoln. And our “leaders” do nothing. Huh? Now, the latest is a tweet from one of the most prominent BLM activists who is calling for the destruction of “white Jesus and his mother Mary” statues and stained glass images. So Christian churches are next?

    I think that anyone who believes that ANY of this is about race, better hurry up and read history as it’s repeating itself before our very eyes. Start with the Bolshevik revolution, the French Revolution, Mao’s destruction of China…

    The mirror of history is chilling.

  2. There are so many things that could be said but you and Marisa have put it perfectly, so to that I will add this. The simple truth is that this is a complete takeover by any means necessary. The violent extremists are nothing more than paid pawns in a globalist agenda. They are not freedom fighters, civil rights activists or conscientious citizens. These “foot soldiers” are at best misinformed fools (provided to you by our liberal educational system) and at worst anarchists and mercenaries! As much as I hate to admit this, as citizens of this country it becomes more apparent each day that it will be upon us to fight for our country once again like the founders of this country did so many years ago. Unless we can either convince or coerce our government leaders (and I use the term leaders loosely) to go after the head of this is very ugly and very big snake, this fight will never be over! Unfortunately, too many of these so-called leaders are a part of that head. In trying times like these it will be essential for patriots to first get on our knees and pray to God, not bow to man.

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