We’ve all had that friend that gets wasted and talks like an idiot; enduring someone’s incoherent rambling about the plight of baby seals and how knees are a terrible design – especially for flamingos – and how the world would somehow be better synced if they were king.
We indulge – no, tolerate – the annoyance out of friendship. ‘Cause that’s what friends do. We listen, laugh or politely agree just to keep them from drifting into the rat-trap realm of politics and religion while figuring out a way to discretely snag their car keys and stuff them into an Uber.
But then there’s what I call the “stationary target syndrome” of being held hostage by the weepy unsolicited diatribe of a non-friend: specifically actors, the clergy, politicians or really anyone that has a soapbox from which to yap…. loudly. And for some reason (probably unreciprocated respect) we sit attentively silent instead of screaming, “WHAT?”and holding up a defiant middle finger and walking away…en masse.
I understand politicians’ motivation to chase the limelight in an effort to remain relevant. It’s their political annuity. Just a job. A performance. Mixing over-sweetened Kool-Aid for a thirsty jingoistic constituency that’s been thoughtfully maneuvered into tunnel-vision reality: delivering a revisionist message dumbed-down to the lowest common denominator of the mob’s capacity for understanding.
Every venue has become an agenda-laden platform. I can’t watch a TV show without being bombarded with a social agenda. Every show – including commercials – has become a social message. It’s statistical misrepresentation in an effort to mainstream and normalize something that most people simply don’t care about.
When I go to a traveling Broadway play I’m forced to sit through a ten-minute post-performance pass-the-hat plea for the troupe’s dedicated social cause. (This after listening to them infusing their off-script political agenda throughout the show.)
And the environment… It’s clearly the end of days. We’re doomed. The rainforests are burning. The polar bears are starving. The oceans are rising. Weather is changing. There are more storms than ever before!
Hey wait a minute! When was the last serious hurricane? Just wondering ‘cause I’m kinda simple and don’t track micro-degree fluctuations in temperature or storms, although I do watch for tornadoes because they’re kinda cool and I love the Wizard of Oz. (There’s something about creepy monkeys in tuxedos that can fly. It never gets old.) AND THE EARTH QUAKES! DON’T FORGET THE EARTH QUAKES! WHY ARE WE HAVING ALL OF THESE EARTHQUAKES ALL OF A SUDDEN!
It’s all our fault. America. Overindulged society of earth-destroying opulence! You with your cars and refrigerators!
[For the record… that would be the record of the Food and Agriculture Organization…the United States has 8% of the world’s forested areas. That area has increased over the last 100 years, with the most rapid growth since 1940. WE have more trees. And it’s South Americans that are burning the rainforest to make farmland to feed their families. South Americans are not “Americans.” Not my fault. Not Trump’s fault. Not the fault of “fat cat CEO’s in their ivory towers.” They’re not “deforesting” (i.e. lumbering) for exotic species of rainforest woods, they’re clearcutting and burning vast areas to make farmland to feed their starving families.]
It’s not America. Not our circus. Not our monkeys.
But it’s my fault. Because.
Because I’m a stationary target for misinformers armed with snippets of fact that have been clipped and spliced into soundbites of misinformation to rile the ignorant for political gain.
The simple truth remains that America (with all of our collective faults) is the only nation on earth that follows the rules. We follow pollution control measures for air and water (ask me how I know when you have an hour to hear what I do for a living). We don’t spear whales for food or sport. We don’t dump barges full of plastic into the oceans. We have mechanisms in place to protect our citizens, visitors, allies, the environment, and even our enemies that suffer natural and self-inflicted disasters. Yet for some reason the great thinkers believe that America should carry the weight of the world’s sins on our shoulders because we’re disgusting and unworthy unless we were to live in mud huts and eat bugs.
And I’m DONE listening to the message of projected guilt for the sins of a bunch of guys that wore powdered wigs. It wasn’t me. It wasn’t you. We’ve grown up. The worn out argument is nothing more than an excuse for personal failure.
I’m sick of the hypocrisy and double standard coming from the hyper-indulged elite whose blatant narcissism drives them to unload factless diatribe on a culture of sky-screaming lemmings just to validate their existence.
Hey Joaquin… SHUT UP! You’re an idiot and a third-rate actor. We pay you and your overpaid friends to pretend to be someone else, not to listen to your rambling weepy mantra about sad baby cows. If you wanna make a difference, quit your day job (PLEASE) and work on a farm. I’ll even send you my favorite pair of work gloves to keep your dainty hands soft.
OK, I understand that in polite society we can’t give them the finger and tell them to shut up. (It makes us just like them.) But there ought to be something…a common signal… a phrase…. chant… something done in predictable unison that will drown out the spewing of baseless nonsense.
How about “KOOOOOOOOOOOL AAAAAAIIID! KOOOOOOOOOOOOL AAAAAAIIIIID!” Every time they start… until all that’s seen is their quivering lips moving as they snivel in frustration.
You’ve stated the truth very strongly and even a bit harshly, but deservedly so. This absolutely nails it! This should be published by major media outlets and get the populace to start admiting to themselves what is right in front of their faces. Don’t change one word. We are being taught and conditioned to hate ourselves as Americans and it’s just crazy.
The use of the word “triggered” (which by the way is an overused Facebook word) completely validated the point of the blog. One should not have to go cower in a corner, drink the kool-aid or succumb to listen to platforms on “family friendly” entertainment outlets. It’s not a “trigger”. It’s forced opinion and forced values. That is the entire point. Maybe re-read it again.
Well, you certainly have hit the nail on the head! Our society has become inundated (by means of mainstream media, social media and big tech companies) with ideologies and agendas that do not reflect the typical citizen. I know an argument could be made for what constitutes “typical”, however, it’s becoming more and more evident that the silent majority is clearing its throat. To simply suggest that one turns off the TV is nothing short of head-in-the-sand tactics. When in the history of ever has head in the sand tactics ever fixed any problem? I liken it to the analogy of a patient (U.S. citizens) going to a doctor (media) with an open wound (government corruption). The patient trusts that the doctor is not a quack, but it turns out to be not so. Instead of treating the wound (investigating and exposing corruption), the doctor puts a bandage (lies to cover incompetence or compliance) on it to hide the wound then proceeds to tell the patient not to worry, in time the wound will heal itself. It doesn’t take long for the wound to get infected (liberalism). A return trip to the doctor only gets the patient some salve (more lies), a smile and swift escort out the door. In time gangrene (socialism) sets in and if untreated will kill the patient. Now the only course of action will be a very aggressive approach to treat the wound. So if you suggest we simply stop listening to or turn off the TV, I would rather aggressively treat the problem before we have to amputate!
Jim Jones had the right idea.
Kool aid.